IRSPSD aims to explore sustainable urban forms within the disciplines of regional and urban planning. Considering the impact of planning policy on spatial planning implementation, we seek to develop bodies of knowledge from original studies and promote critical debates on emerging issues and practice from researchers on an integrated multidisciplinary platform that reflects a variety of perspectives—such as economic development, social equality and equity, and ecological protection— with a holistic view of achieving sustainable urban form.

Anizawati Zainal, Hidayah Mohd Fadzil, Edy Hafizan Mohd Shahali, Chenghao Zhu, George M Jacobs [Citation]

Analyzing the Concept of Creativity in New Ruralism

Insights from the RURITAGE Project SIAs

2024 Volume 12 Issue 3 Pages 1-15 Download PDF (732K)

Mamatha P Raj, Dakshayini R Patil [Citation]

Strategies for Acoustical Resilience towards Liveable and Sustainable Urban Neighborhoods

A Case Study of Bangalore City, India

2024 Volume 12 Issue 3 Pages 16-35  Download PDF (1144K)

Irdinal Arief, T. Yoyok Wahyu Subroto, Syam Rachma Marcillia [Citation]

Family Bonds and Space Utilization in Indigenous Communities 

The Sampesuvu-Roa Value in Kaili Ledo, Indonesia

2024 Volume 12 Issue 3 Pages 36-57  Download PDF (1741K)

Pitri Yandri, Hadi Supratikta, Ray Septianis Kartika, Rosidah, Josep, Amsal [Citation]

Determining Policy Option for Sustainable Residential Area in Suburban Metropolitan Jakarta 


2024 Volume 12 Issue 3 Pages 58-77 Download PDF (651K)

Jingyi Zhan, Ming Li [Citation]

Research on Urban Renovation in the Xicang Bazaar Area of Xi’an, China

Insights from the RURITAGE Project SIAs

2024 Volume 12 Issue 3 Pages 78-94 Download PDF (2454K)

Shuqi Li, Yang Ye, Haoyu Chen, Yuhan Yang, Yi Huang, Zihao Wu [Citation]

Vitality Analysis and Improvement of Micro Urban Spaces in Cold Regions

Evidence from Harbin, China

2024 Volume 12 Issue 3 Pages 95-117  Download PDF (924K)

Mega Ulimaz, Muhammad Ma’arij Harfadli, Elin Diyah Syafitri [Citation]

The Existence of City Branding Entrenched Object Density Patterns and City Branding Experience Impressions 

Case Study in 4 (four) supporting urban areas of Nusantara New Capital City (IKN Nusantara), Indonesia

2024 Volume 12 Issue 3 Pages 118-138  Download PDF (1181K)

Chiranthanin Kitika, Sant Suwatcharapinun [Citation]

Smart district with the comparison on urban studies of internet infrastructure and new digital activities

A case study of Chiang Mai Old City, Thailand

2024 Volume 12 Issue 3 Pages 200-217 Download PDF (2187K)

Mohamad Ahlis Djirimu , Edhi Taqwa, Abdul Syawal, Andi Darmawati Tombolotutu [Citation]

The Integration of Region Development Planning in Donggala Regency, Central Sulawesi Province, an Underdeveloped Region in Indonesia

Case of Pontianak City, Indonesia

2024 Volume 12 Issue 3 Pages 218-237  Download PDF (628K)

Yulida Safitri, Ariyaningsih , Rajib Shaw [Citation]

Stakeholders’ Involvement in Household Solid Waste Management (HSWM) during COVID-19 

Case of Pontianak City, Indonesia

2024 Volume 12 Issue 3 Pages 238-257  Download PDF (1101K)